Saturday, May 15, 2010

What could the government do if people have the chance to getting free health and dental Ins.? what would Help

the govenment would do nothing

What could the government do if people have the chance to getting free health and dental Ins.? what would Help
Well if you have the chance for someone to give you free health and dental I would say go for it? Why would the government care? Now if you are wanting our government to supply you those benefits, you are digging into MY wallet and that is where this will get ugly real quick like.
Reply:where would they get it? is Kerry donating the profits from his wife's exported factories throughout the world?
Reply:Take away the billions that HMO's make before they provide a dollar in medical coverage. And these are all paid premiums!

They just have to get rich somehow I guess. Why not steal it from those who need the medical insurance to pay multi million dollar salaries and their stockholders, who didn't work 1 day!
Reply:Once again, brush up on your grammer.
Reply:Sorry, but nothing is free. Someone has to pay for it.

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