Friday, May 21, 2010

Universal Health Care for Children.....Please answer this short Survey.?

Hello everyone, I am working on my Master's Degree in Public Administration, and would like your input on Universal Health Care for Children. Please answer the below questions

1) Currently, under which program are your children insured

a. Medicaid


c. Private Insurance (through self payment)

d. Private Insurance (through Employeer)

2) How much annually do you pay for health care/dental expenses (including medications and mental health) for your children

a. None, covered by government program

b. Less than $1000

c. $1000-$5000

d. $5000-$10,000

e. Greater than $10,000

3) Do you feel that there should be a Federal or State sponsored universal health plan for children?

a. Yes

b. No

4) Please describe your family income situation

a. Below the Poverty line

b. Right at the Poverty Level

c. Slightly above the poverty level

d. Make enough to get by

e. Make more than enough to get by

5) Which state do you currently Reside in?

Thank You for your time!

Universal Health Care for Children.....Please answer this short Survey.?
1. We have no insurance, but have been shopping around.

2. So far, I fall in category c. But my son is only 2, so that will change.

3. A.

4. C.

5. Michigan
Reply:CCBE ca
Reply:1.) one of my children has medicaid while the other two are uninsure.




5.) Georgia

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