Saturday, November 14, 2009

I have a bad dental health!i have removed some of my tooths and now i am feeling like i'll be a grandma at 20!

at such young age due to ignorance i have a drastic problem!i can't go to dentist cause its very expensive and i cant afford it right now!is it so serious crime that i cant have good teeth that i am only concerned these days that my all teeth will be lost now?or am i just overreacting and they won't go away just yet?

I have a bad dental health!i have removed some of my tooths and now i am feeling like i'll be a grandma at 20!
Don't worry so much, I am in the same boat, I'll be 28 soon...and I have had my wisdom teeth (all of them), and the ones beside them pulled. I have had a cavity in EVERY tooth and all my top front ones have had root canals. I am also missing a molar on lower left side...

I am being completely honest when I say I brush my teeth twice a day and floss once a day....I drink a lot of Pepsi that's maybe why.....anyhow....don't teeth suck too.

I had braces for 4 years aswell.....
Reply:to have ur teeth removed at 20 is really young. start taking care of ur teeth. if ur a student, it's very likely that ur school's (college or university) benefit plan will cover dental work. if not, then go to the clinic at the dental school. they charge much less, but still fantastic care.
Reply:you should be concerned. these are the only teeth you are going to have for the next 60+ years. brush and floss twice a day. i recommend ACT mouthwash because it has floride with it. other than that, there isn't really anything you can do. i know dentist fees can be expensive, but try and call around to see if any of them in your area have payment plans. also, maybe the health department can help you. if not, i would pay out of pocket. if the tooth can be saved, i would save it. if you extract all of your teeth, you won't have any left and you will have to worry about dentures which is another few thousand dollars. don't waste time!
Reply:You should be brushing 2x a day for two minutes and flossing 1x a day. Bone loss can be possible at your age, if you do have poor oral hygiene. Also, bone resorption leads to a loss of your teeth. Here is a list of dental hygiene schools. My school only charges $25 for a cleaning and x-rays!!!

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