Monday, November 16, 2009

Can dental problems have an effect on your health?

i have lots of dental problems at the dentist every 2 months, fixing fillings and other problems, can this have an effect on your overall health as i get sick quickly with flu and if there is a virus around i always catch it, or maybe stommach problems? I know it can make your breath smell bad.

Can dental problems have an effect on your health?
When there is decay, abscesses or perio disease involved it's caused from "bacteria" that has been allowed to “run rampant” in the mouth. Everyone has bacteria in their mouth but it's when it's not removed by brushing and flossing or teeth aren't cleaned, it leads to decay, abscesses and perio disease. All of these effect you “overall health” by allowing these “bacteria to grow” and left unchecked (for what ever period of time) causing infection before you have your dental problems corrected. Even your immune system can’t fight off bacteria that are allowed to grow in a damp, dark perfect environment such as your mouth offers. During that time you are allowing this infection to run the coarse of your whole body, all from the bacteria that forms daily in your mouth when it’s not removed by brushing and flossing. Bacterial infections are easy to treat with antibiotics, but when it starts slowly from decay in a tooth or your tissue in your mouth it usually goes unnoticed until you have a tooth ache that sends you to the dentist. Most people with "active decay in their mouths," (if they were to think about it) would tell you that they have had more colds, viruses, sinus infections and other problems than they had years ago, before the "teeth problems" (caused from bacteria) ever started. They have linked the plaque formed from bacteria that causes perio disease in the mouth to the plaque that causes heart attacks. Think about it, years ago before the dentist was around, during the “blacksmith” days, people with an abscessed tooth usually died because of it if they couldn’t get it extracted. Believe it or not, that still happens today with some ignorant people who think that tooth ache will go away on its own. That should answer your question right there, if you were to consider our history. So yes, any infection or bacteria in the mouth and teeth, allowed to go unchecked can have a devastating effect on your over all good health. Hope I've explained this where you can understand the importance of flossing and brushing your teeth to remove the bacteria forming plaque before it causes damage that can ruin your health. Also, by taking care of any active decay now and seeing your dentist for regular cleanings and exams. This allows us to monitor your dental health which plays a large role in maintaining you’re over all good physical health. Good luck and I hope you’ll see your dentist to correct any problems that you may have.
Reply:Yes besides causing stomach problems, bad dental health can cause heart problems %26amp; stroke.
Reply:I usually have stinky breath in the morning and I believe this smell originates from an infected mind.
Reply:Perhaps if you are stressed out about your dental problems it may be having an effect in this way and making you sick
Reply:Yes, dental problems can lead to bacteria entering the heart, and cause death. I knew someone who squeezed a tooth abcess, and he died!
Reply:Yes it can, but not directly. just keep visiting your dentist regularly and ask your doctor about your other problems when you go for your next visit. Otherwise keep your teeth healthy.
Reply:many years ago when oral hygiene wasn't priority tooth decay was causing infections and diseases of the mouth usually leading to death. overall health having been effected by dental problems yes It can but also could be many other related and non related issues if your unsure see a doctor and or dentist for any precautions you may want to take or routine you may want change to help you
Reply:You lack some essential vitamins. visit a physician fast.

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