im kind of having bleeding n extremely sensitive in 18 weeks pregnant n the condition is worsening ..will c a dentist soon inshallha ,jus wanted to know if anyone has been through such a situation.
Does poor dental health causes disorders in fetus?
Poor dental health may increase the risk of preterm labor, prematurity, and low birth weight. However, it has not been linked to disorders in the fetus or baby.
That is not to belittle preterm labor and prematurity, believe me -- my twins were born 8 weeks early and spent 6 weeks in the hospital. You need to speak with your doctor and do everything you can to minimize the risk of preterm labor. But, don't worry about disorders or deformities due to your bleeding gums. Pregnancy can also cause heightened oral sensitivity and bleeding; I would consult with a dentist or periodontist if you haven't already to see if they can determine the cause of the bleeding/sensitivity.
Best of luck.
Reply:Yes, poor dental health can cause disorders in a fetus. Think about it; you have bad bacteria in your mouth and swallow it every 5 seconds. When you swallow it it can go into your blood stream and cause you to get in bad health, your baby gets what you get. Pregnancy can also cause your hormones to get out of whack and cause your gums to bleed though. People are known to get pregnancy tumors in their mouth and after the baby is born they go away because of the balancing of hormone levels. Go to your dentist and see if you have periodontal disease or if your hormone levels is what is causing your gums to bleed.
Reply:Hi just use the combination of turmeric with mustardoil %26amp; brush u r teeth .for first 3 or 4 day u will have problem with it but it gradgully cure u r problem if so any dought mail me at
Reply:You are probably experiencing "pregnancy gingivitis," if you normally have good dental hygiene and have just started having this problem. A lot of women have this happen during pregnancy. You should consult your dentist as soon as possible as he can give you a medicated mouth wash which will help clear this up. Be sure to maintain good brushing and flossing at least twice a day or more if possible and spend at least 2-3 minutes brushing making sure to remove all plaque from the teeth and gums. Take this extra care with your teeth and gums to avoid an infection or abscess in your gums or teeth. An active infection in your mouth does travels through the blood stream through your whole body, so it could affect the baby. Pregnancy gingivitis is very common so just try to take extra care of your gums and teeth during your pregnancy, see your dentist, and everything will be fine. Good luck and hope I was of some help.
Reply:Yes. In rare cases due to some periodontal diseases, it might cause premature delivery in the pregnant woman. This is scientifically proved even though it's rare. So, start taking care of your oral health not only for your own sake, but also for your baby's sake :)
Reply:Immediate Release Contact: Bert Hammond July 16, 2003 (202) 225-7084
Congresswoman Watson Applauds California Dental Board Vote on Mercury Fillings Congresswoman Diane E. Watson today applauded the California Dental Board’s July 11 ruling that directs all dentists to supply their patients with a dental materials fact sheet on the potential dangers of mercury fillings (commonly known as silver fillings). The ruling implements a 1992 law, introduced by then State Senator Watson, that requires all dentists practicing in California to provide to their patients a statement on “the risks and efficacies” of dental fillings. The fact sheet advises all patients that mercury fillings “can harm the developing brain of a child or fetus...and cause birth defects and other reproductive harm.” “After a decade of waiting, I am very pleased that the Dental Board of California has directed all dentists to give patients a dental materials fact sheet,” said Congresswoman Watson. “It finally implements a 1992 law that the Dental Board has constantly been criticized for ignoring. Consumers and parents have a right to know, in advance, the risks of placing a product containing a significant amount of mercury, one of the most toxic elements known to man, in their mouths or the mouths of their children. Now patients will be informed that there may be some harm in mercury fillings, and will have a choice.” The new fact sheet was proposed by Dr. Chet Yokoyama, who chaired a committee appointed by board president Dr. Alan Kaye. The board voted 7-1 in favor of the new mercury risk fact sheet. Earlier this year, Congresswoman Watson introduced H.R. 1680, The Mercury in Dental Filling Disclosure and Prohibition Act, which outlaws after 2008 the use of mercury in dental fillings. NEWS from the office of Congresswoman Diane E. Watson
33rd District - California 202-225-7084 / 202-225-2422 fax
the gov't got caught about 3 yrs ago putting mercury in some childhood shots, which congressman dan burton and many others feel is the reason for the vast increase in autism. they did a voluntary recall, so there is some still out there, most drug companies didn't turn in their supply, would lose money. here is what kids had to go thru:
One hundred years ago, children received 1 vaccine.... Forty years ago,...5 vaccines,... and as many as 8 shots by 2 years of age. Children now receive 52 the time they are 6 months...if they receive all the recommend shots.... Vaccines contain THIMERSOL (mercury), MSG, aluminum, formaldehyde, sucrose and phenoxyethanol, which is antifreeze, among many other things. Thimerosal... is nearly 50% mercury. EPA 'safe' levels are: .1 microgram per 1.0 kilogram of body weight per day. Vaccines contain 12.5 to 25.0 micrograms of mercury, and a 'well baby' visit can see your child have between 50 and 62.5 mcgs of MERCURY injected into their bloodstream.
[then, it's off to the dentist...]
so, it's out of kid shots now, but they left it in chicken pox, flu shots, hepatitis, etc.... unreal, huh? if u don't think so, go ask for a Materials Safety Data Sheet for your next flu shot. they will try not to give u one, but by law they have to. if u see thimerosal, it is almost 50% mercury, which is the 2nd most toxic substance on earth behind uranium (used to make nuclear bombs) and a potent neuro-toxin (destroys brain cells).
i myself, would not get any shots for kids. drs r giving babies hepatitis shots for no reason now. go to in his seach box type in shots, vaccines, baies shots, hepatitis babies. just keep tying it in until u get the info u need. also, u mite want to type in mercury fillings, amalgams, etc... and red dragon cilanto (it is the best ticture for getting rid of mercury).
1: Arch Environ Health. 1996 May-Jun;51(3):234-41. Related Articles, Links
Total and inorganic mercury in breast milk in relation to fish consumption and amalgam in lactating women.
Oskarsson A, Schultz A, Skerfving S, Hallen IP, Ohlin B, Lagerkvist BJ.
Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, University Hospital, Lund, Sweden.
Total mercury concentrations (mean +/- standard deviation) in breast milk, blood, and hair samples collected 6 wk after delivery from 30 women who lived in the north of Sweden were 0.6 +/- 0.4 ng/g (3.0 +/- 2.0 nmol/kg), 2.3 +/- 1.0 ng/g (11.5 +/- 5.0 nmol/kg), and 0.28 +/- 0.16 microg/g (1.40 +/- 0.80 micromol/kg), respectively. In milk, an average of 51% of total mercury was in the form of inorganic mercury, whereas in blood an average of only 26% was present in the inorganic form. Total and inorganic mercury levels in blood (r = .55, p = .003; and r = .46, p = .01 6; respectively) and milk (r = .47, p = .01; and r = .45, p = .018; respectively) were correlated with the number of amalgam fillings. The concentrations of total mercury and organic mercury (calculated by subtraction of inorganic mercury from total mercury) in blood (r = .59, p = .0006, and r = .56, p = .001; respectively) and total mercury in hair (r = .52, p = .006) were correlated with the estimated recent exposure to methylmercury via intake of fish. There was no significant between the milk levels of mercury in any chemical form and the estimated methylmercury intake. A significant correlation was found between levels of total mercury in blood and in milk (r = .66, p = .0001), with milk levels being an average of 27% of the blood levels. There was an association between inorganic mercury in blood and milk (r = .96, p %26lt; .0001); the average level of inorganic mercury in milk was 55% of the level of inorganic mercury in blood. No significant correlations were found between the levels of any form of mercury in milk and the levels of organic mercury in blood. The results indicated that there was an efficient transfer of inorganic mercury from blood to milk and that, in this population, mercury from amalgam fillings was the main source of mercury in milk. Exposure of the infant to mercury from breast milk was calculated to range up to 0.3 microg/kg x d, of which approximately one-half was inorganic mercury. This exposure, however, corresponds to approximately one-half the tolerable daily intake for adults recommended by the World Health Organization. We concluded that efforts should be made to decrease mercury burden in fertile women.
PMID: 8687245 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
1: Eur J Pediatr. 1994 Aug;153(8):607-10. Related Articles, Links
Comment in:
Eur J Pediatr. 1995 Jul;154(7):585-6.
Eur J Pediatr. 1995 Jun;154(6):498-9.
Mercury burden of human fetal and infant tissues.
Drasch G, Schupp I, Hofl H, Reinke R, Roider G.
Institut fur Rechtsmedizin, Munchen, Germany.
The total mercury concentrations in the liver (Hg-L), the kidney cortex (Hg-K) and the cerebral cortex (Hg-C) of 108 children aged 1 day-5 years, and the Hg-K and Hg-L of 46 fetuses were determined. As far as possible, the mothers were interviewed and their dental status was recorded. The results were compared to mercury concentrations in the tissues of adults from the same geographical area. The Hg-K (n = 38) and Hg-L (n = 40) of fetuses and Hg-K (n = 35) and Hg-C (n = 35) of older infants (11-50 weeks of life) correlated significantly with the number of dental amalgam fillings of the mother. The toxicological relevance of the unexpected high Hg-K of older infants from mothers with higher numbers of dental amalgam fillings is discussed. CONCLUSION: Future discussion on the pros and cons of dental amalgam should not be limited to adults or children with their own amalgam fillings, but also include fetal exposure. The unrestricted application of amalgam for dental restorations in women before and during the child-bearing age should be reconsidered.
PMID: 7957411 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Mercury And Pregnancy
If a female is pregnant, the baby protects the mother from mercury at the expense of itself. The concentration of mercury in the blood of the newborn is an average of 28% higher than the mother's blood. Where did the newborn get the mercury? From the mother. Research shows that mercury freely passes the placental barrier and can cause physical and mental birth defects in the newborn. Many future mothers have opted to get the mercury out of their mouths with a minimum one or two year detox afterwards before becoming pregnant to avoid exposure to their babies. If you are already pregnant, many researchers advise the mother not to have dental work done unless absolutely necessary, to avoid exposure to the unborn fetus.
In their practice at the Toxic Studies Institute, Drs. Williamson and Davis see every day the ways in which mercury makes people sick. And responsible individuals and organizations are catching on to this fact.
"When they go to dental hygienists, mercury amalgams should not be polished. We also recommend against dental appliances such as braces." - Charles Williamson, M.D.
“The American Academy of Pediatrics has called for a moratorium on the use of mercury (Thimerosal) in vaccines,” says Dr. Williamson. “The Academy’s action is laudable. One local gynecologist is counseling her patients about eating fish during pregnancy. She is rightly concerned about mercury intake from fish, which goes directly to the fetus, and we applaud her for recognizing the hazards mercury poses to the developing fetus. However, mercury-contaminated fish and Thimerosal in vaccinations barely scratch the surface of the overall problem. The great majority of the body-burden of mercury—87%—comes from dental amalgams, which continuously give off mercury vapor.”
According to Dr. Williamson, themercury accumulates in the tissue and leads to increased oxidative damage, mitochondrial dysfunction and cell death. This is toxic to anyone, he says, but especially to mothers-to-be and most of all to the developing fetus via rapid placental transfer. “The fetal pituitary gland—which affects development of the endocrine, immune and reproductive systems—concentrates mercury.”
Dr. Williamson says that, most notably, mercury decreases transport to the fetus of oxygen and essential nutrients, including amino acids, glucose, magnesium, zinc and vitamin B12. It also depresses the enzyme Isocitric Dehydrogenase in the fetus. This suppression in turn causes reduced iodine uptake and hypothyroidism, learning disabilities and impairment and reduction in IQ. Mercury is also strongly associated with behavioral disorders, autism and autistic spectrum disorders, including attention deficit disorder. Further, mercury exposure affects levels of nerve growth factor in the brain, impairs astrocyte function and causes brain developmental imbalances.
All of these problems and events can be compounded 10-fold, he says, if a pregnant woman should have mercury amalgam placed in her teeth or removed from them during the first trimester of pregnancy. And dental work of any kind is worse in the first trimester than in the second or third. “The level of mercury in the tissue of the fetus, newborn and young children is directly proportional to the number of amalgam surfaces in the mother’s mouth. Inorganic mercury methylated in the mouth by microorganisms to organic mercury is the most acutely neurotoxic form.”
Dr. Williamson adds that mercury from dental amalgams is often stored in breast milk in much greater concentrations than in the mother’s tissues—and the amount of mercury in breast milk is likewise directly proportional to the number of amalgams the mother has in her mouth. Heavy metal toxicity in general, and mercury toxicity in particular, can have a very damaging effect on fertility. Mercury amalgams in teeth have been associated with a host of female complaints, but especially difficulty conceiving, outright sterility and spontaneous abortions (miscarriages). Likewise, sperm count and motility in males can be greatly lowered.
Again, Dr. Williamson: “Think of it like this: mercury amalgams are a mere two centimeters away from the pituitary gland. Vapor from these amalgams has an affinity for this gland in high concentrations. The effect of these vapors on this gland can bring about hormonal disruptions and menstrual cycle disorders. When mercury burdens are decreased or eliminated, menstrual cycles normalize and spontaneous pregnancies notably increase.”
"In case anyone still wants to defend the safety record of mercury? dentists and dental personnel who work with amalgam are chronically exposed to mercury vapor. Mercury levels in urine of dental personnal average about two times that of controls." - Jordan Davis, M.D.
Dr. Williamson suggests that people who already have mercury amalgams should avoid hot beverages and chewing gum—both of which stimulate the release of mercury vapor. Anybody who has mercury fillings and suffers from bruxism—grinding their teeth in their sleep—should be evaluated for treatment.
“When they go to dental hygienists, mercury amalgams should not be polished. We also recommend against dental appliances such as braces when patients have mercury amalgams in their teeth.”
In addition to intensive detoxification and mercury amalgam removal, there is another protective step people can take, Dr. Williamson noted. “Since we know that mercury is an extremely potent oxidant and serves to damage and kill cells, we recommend individuals make it a point to have high levels of natural mercury chelators or detoxifiers in their bodies. Two very important substances are vitamin C and glutathione: we give these to our patients in very high doses to assist with mercury detoxification. And we also use mercury-free, organic Chlorella.”
On a preventive basis, they strongly urge parents not to have mercury amalgams placed in their children’s teeth. Many safe, bio-compatible materials are available to use for filling cavities in place of mercury amalgams.
“In case anyone still wants to defend the safety record of mercury, let’s consider the harmful effects in has on dentists, dental office personnel and their families—it’s overwhelming,” said Dr. Davis.
“Dentists and dental personnel who work with amalgam are chronically exposed to mercury vapor. Mercury levels in urine of dental personnal average about two times that of controls. Walking into the average dental office can result in a mercury exposure that’s approximately equivalent to having 19 amalgam fillings.”
Dr. Davis points out that mercury’s burden on the body increases with age, and older dentists have median mercury urine levels about four times those of controls, as well as higher brain burdens. Dentists and dental personnel experience significantly higher levels of neurological, memory, mood and behavioral problems, which increase with years of exposure. Female dental technicians who work with amalgam have significantly reduced fertility and lowered probability of conception—and their children have significantly lower average IQ compared to the general population.
Further, the homes of many dentists have been found to have high levels of mercury contamination, probably caused by the dentists bringing it home on shoes and clothes. Autopsies of former dental staff have found levels of mercury in the pituitary gland that averaged more than 10 times greater than that of controls—and also found higher levels in the occipital cortex, renal cortex and thyroid.
And it gets even more grim. Dentists have the highest rate of suicide of any profession. They also suffer a high incidence of depression and memory disorders. According to Dr. Davis, “A large number of dentists wind up being placed on permanent disability—and frequently carry a nebulous diagnosis of non-specific ‘neurological disorder,’ which we believe is mercury toxicity, plain and simple.”
The scientific truth is beginning to register with governments around the world and in the United States. In Sweden, it is against the law to use mercury amalgams. In Canada, Health Canada—the national health insurance system—has urged the nation’s dentists to stop giving mercury amalgam to children, pregnant woman and people with kidney disorders.
In late 1999, the California Dental Board—the largest in the country— termed the mercury in amalgam “hazardous,” and advised dentists to issue warnings about the reproductive toxicity of mercury and other adverse reactions. And in the summer of 2000, a judge in Maryland ruled that the state agency that regulates dentistry violated the law by prohibiting dentists from discussing the risks of amalgam with their patients.
Finally, if you have mercury fillings and are worried about mercury poisoning, what should you do? The first thing you have to recognize is that you have a medical problem. Says Dr. Davis: “You may carry a traditional diagnosis for your health problem(s) but the diganosis or diagnoses may have a strong non-traditional link to the mercury in your mouth.
“The bottom line is that multiple signs and symptoms may be present in multiple organs, the manifestations of which can be overt or occult. This is why a trained medical doctor with special knowledge in heavy metals toxicity should be consulted to thoroughly evaluate your history and each of your body’s organ systems.
“Eventually, you will need a dentist to remove your fillings, but first, you need a medical evaluation to see how much mercury is stored in your tissues, and how much toxicity you’re suffering. You will need to know how well your kidneys are functioning before any treatments or mercury removal may safely take place.”
Dr. Davis points to some of the tests medical doctors use in cases like this, which include The DMPS challenge, which stimulates the binding and elimination of a portion of stored mercury, which is then measured by a urinary excretion count; the creatinine clearance test, to measure kidney function (which mercury can severely compromise). This test can help determine which substances can be safely used for mercury detoxification, or even to tell if the kidneys can safely tolerate mercury detoxification. Other tests commonly employed are the H-Scan, which measures visual reaction time, vibrotactile sensitivity, muscle movement time, decision-making ability and memory function.
Dr. Davis states, “After those tests, you may require a medical detoxification of heavy metals generally, and mercury specifically, both before and after having your mercury amalgams removed. Medical doctors, not dentists, administer medicinal compounds that bind heavy metals and cause them to be eliminated from the body via the renal or fecal routes, separately or together. We use DMPS intravenously and oral DMSA.”
Finding a dentist to perform the procedure can be trying. Chances are your family dentist will volunteer, but odds are he or she will not be suited for the job. Removing amalgams has become a speciality unto itself. Dentists who perform this work often bear the qualifiers, “Mercury-Free,” or “Biologic Dentist.” They have had special formal training in mercury amalgam removal and have special equipment on hand in their offices to reduce dangerous mercury vapor exposure during the removal process for patients, themselves and other dental personnel. Simply yanking out fillings can release extremely high levels of mercury vapor, which goes directly into tissue, and is stored, or sequestered.
During the removal process, a certain amount of vapor contamination is going to take place. But a properly trained biologic dentist can keep this hazard to a minimum.
* DO NOT DO THIS: It is especially important to initiate this protocol at least two weeks before mercury dental fillings (amalgams) are to be removed. this can make some people very sick, best to not take anything until after it is all out.
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