Monday, April 27, 2009

NEBRASKA Dental (Health Center)?

I need some MAJOR dental work done and I've thought about getting on Medicaid to help me pay for it as it will be way too expensive and I can't afford most of the work I need done right now. I've looked into going to a dentistry school/clinic as I've heard it is much cheaper than private dentists (btw does anyone have a rough estimate of how much it would cost to go to a dentistry school/clinic, i need a few root canals/crowns done..)

But the one last thing people tell me about is Health Centers. What are they? I've heard sometimes they will provide free dental care to even people that need major services, i.e. root canals, crowns, etc. Or they are even cheaper than a private dentist and/or dentistry clinic/school.


Is there anyone out there who knows about these Health Centers?

I would greatly appreciate any feedback on this!

Thank you.

NEBRASKA Dental (Health Center)?
Oh my...wish I could help...I'm not familiar with those 2 organizations. I live in Lincoln too. I go to a regular dentist...and yes, dental charges are outrageous! I just had my 7th root canal. I'm under my DH's dental insurance policy...and the crown and 1/2 of the other expenses for just this one is going to be $750 out of our pocket...AFTER insurance!

I wish you luck!!! :)
Reply:I know that in Texas there are the free clinics or sliding scale clinics if there is something in Nebraska like that they may be able to help
Reply:I would just call them and ask the questions. You could also call Creighton school of dentistry-they have a clinic located right next to creighton hospital on north 30th street.

I went to Rainbow Dental for wisdom teeth and they are not bad priced at all-having two extracted this week for only $250 when i have heard from a lot of people their extractions costed them over $1000-2000. They are also running a special right now for the basic cleaning, xrays, and exam for only $99 so you could take advantage of that right now to find out exactly what you need so you can call around and get price quotes from other places.....

Dental health........!!!!!!!!?

okay on one of my molars theres a little hole in my tooth ( its not in the center where the cavity would be) its off to the right er whatever..what is that hole!?.. what will the dentist do? %26amp; when i schedule an appointment how long until i get in there?

Dental health........!!!!!!!!?
It's possible to get a cavity in other areas of the tooth besides the middle. As far as what the dentist will do, it's hard to tell. Maybe a filling, maybe a crown. It depends on what's wrong, and how big the area is. How long until you see a dentist depends on the individual dentist. Some, with very busy practices or in larger cities might not be able to see you right away. Others can get you in the next day. You should be seeing a dentist every six months, or at the very least every year. That way you can take care of these things before they progress very far. Good luck.
Reply:that is such a cavity. cavities dont form right in the center. they are everywhere. so call your dentist and tell him that you think you might have a cavity but arnt sure. they will examn it befor they work on it.
Reply:Who says that a cavity is in the center? Your molars have lots of surface area, and cavities can occur anywhere. If you are experiencing sensitivity to hot, cold, sweet or sour substances near the area of the "hole", it's more than likely a cavity. If you don't feel anything there, but just happened to notice the hole, then, it's either a small dimple in the enamel that has become stained enough to look like a hole, or it's really a hole. Either way, you should get it checked out. That's why it's good to get annual checkups and cleanings-- so those things can be correctly identified and handled.
Reply:hello dere..firts thing you should do is to take appointment frm da dentist...he will examin and tell u wht the problem is...if da cavity is present and it is deep he may take xray and decide,,,question is do u ahve pain anytime when u eat ,,,does food gets stuck in da cavity coz lots depend on the tooth sensitive to heat and cold...whtever do get the check up done as soon a that the doesnt become big coz if teh cavity becomes big then the infection may reach the pulp and the tooth may have to go for root canal treatment...and if it increases more u may have to go for extraction,,,remember"PREVENTION IS BETTER THEN CURE..." SOGO AHEAD DON DELAY.....GUD LUCK...

Dental Health?

My tooth is just a small bit loose, is there any way i can help it not become fully loose?

Dental Health?
Not mess with it
Reply:I've had it happen where a tooth looses up just a tiny bit for some reason (bugs the heck out of me), but at some point later on it tightens back up again. Could be normal.
Reply:See your dentist. It is important to still brush the tooth and especially the surrounding gum tissue to stimulate it. Was there any type of injury to this tooth? If so, it may be lose for a short time then tighten up. It could be possible you need a good cleaning. If food got under your gums, the body will look at it as a "foreign" body and try to extract the tooth to get rid of the "invader" You should have a cleaning every 6 months.
Reply:You should see your dentist right away. It is possible that it is loose from grinding at night, or that you have periodontal disease and it had deteriorated the bone below the gums. It may be nothing, but it could be very serious. It is also possible that if you catch it now, it can prevent it from happening to your other teeth.

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Dental Health?

I am usually very good about keeping my teeth and gums healthy. I went out of town for a long weekedn and slipped up a little bit. My gums are red now. What can I do to get them back to health quickly?

Dental Health?
brush and floss

Dental health?

i am looking for a personal loan for much needed dental work

slow to bad credit

if i don't get this extensive work done it can be life threatening

does anyone have any information that may be helpful in aquiring this loan.

Dental health?
I can't help you with the loan information but can recommend a good discount plan.

Good luck!
Reply:Student loans are the best no interest until 6 months after you graduate. Of course there are conditions that apply. I might be looking into that soon. Or.. alot of dentist use care credit. which allows you to finance and pay no interest for 18 months if i remember correctly
Reply:Do u have a history of saving with any bank or credit unions?

Come up with a plan of how much u will pay the bank back over what period of time and they will be more inclined to loan to u.

Make sure u dont tell them u have any outstanding loans if u have!
Reply:go to mexico where it is cheaper.


Where can I go to get health care regardless of my ability to pay?
Reply:Many dentists have already made arrangements with finance companies to have payment plans available for their patients. Call around to dentists and see who offers plans like this in their office. Dentistry is expensive and this can really help by spreading out the costs over several months.

Dental Health?

I've been having problems the past few years with getting sores on the inside of my mouth. I have a real good dental care habits. Use good quality mouth wash. (sugar free) You get the picture I take care of my mouth. Just wonder what else good be causing it. As my over all heath in not really an issue. I keep on forgetting to ask my doctor and or dentist about it.

Dental Health?
Could be space in between your teeth, with food getting caught and then abscessing slightly, then going away.

Or, a metabolic disease which shows up as gum sores.

Or something you eat or drink -- acidic juices, perhaps?

Maybe even a gum you chew, or whitening toothpaste.
Reply:too much citric acid in diet and stress.
Reply:They are canker sores, try swishing warm salty water or one part hydrogen peroxide and two parts water and swish it around. Over brushing and flossing makes them worse, in other words any activity that may rub the gums.
Reply:I have the same problem when I eat friut/veg that has not been washed (sometimes I forget...). Next time it happens to you just try to remember what you did immediately before the problem occurred. Some fruit breakfast bars have been causing the same problem for me- usually berry ones. Hope this helps you.

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